Further Incidents of Travel...

Inspired by the work of American writer, John Lloyd Stevens and the English artist Frederick Catherwood (1) who explored and catalogued the antiquarian wonders in the 19th century, these are the field reports of our own expeditions which by necessity, follow in many of their footsteps. Their discoveries in Central America first showed the world the global nature of pyramid building in ancient times, revealing a phenomenon which although much added to, still remains largely unexplained.
"Further Incidents of Travel" are e-postcards transmitted from pyramid sites around the world via the internet. Recounting our thoughts and experiences, they log the progress of a quest for an understanding of this complex topic. Sent to family, friends, fellow project participants and anyone online with a curiosity for pyramids, travel or the innovative application of technology, they're factual but light-hearted accounts of our earnest endeavours towards this goal.
With the ability to capture and relay the daily sights and sounds of our location, with sunsets and a little local music too, they strive to paint as broad a picture of these amazing monuments and the living cultures around them, as this new medium readily permits. As its inter-active capabilities allow recipients to reply, pose questions and make requests or suggestions, participation is a key ingredient in travelling along with us as we dig for the true facts about pyramids.
By using the nearest available internet connection in what are often geographically remote regions, combined with the personal jewellery of the 21st century, portable technology, they're also the developmental groundwork for a grander future plan, to stretch the frontiers of the World Wide Web in the direction of this enduring human enigma:

The Earth Pyramid Network Project

So in the spirit of these two esteemed gentlemen travellers of old and in deep admiration of their profound contribution to the written record on pyramids, we humbly present for your amusement and edification, our similar efforts as we create a digital record of them, for this new Information Age. We'd be delighted if you'd join us on our adventures.
Coming soon...


Or please peruse our previous trips

(1) Books by Stevens, Catherwood and others
      Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land (1837)
      Incidents of Travel Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan Vol.1 (1841)
      Incidents of Travel Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan Vol.2 (1843)

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