Welcome to the experimental wiki for pyramids
This is the starting point for our new list of pyramids - start here Pyramids
Discussion point?
What should we call this? I started off with midwiki, but thinking about it some play on wikipedia might be good.
- MidWiki
- Midipedia (not bad)
- Pyrapedia (sounds like a disease)
- Pyramid Wiki (ok, i've run out of ideas!)
So what exactly is this?
This is a Wiki, which is a collaborative, (supposedly) easy to edit web site maintained at the moment by follyand bravado?. At some point in the future we may open this to the public so visitors from around the world can contribute information and photos of pyramids we haven't been to. If you have anything for us in the meantime do contact usand we'll try and get back to you as soon as possible.
When we?first started researching pyramids we were planning to create some sort of arty installation, linking up purpose built pyramids positioned around the world.
In the process of researching this, we found that there isn't a list of all the pyramids known around the world - sure, lists of Egyptian ones, some on Mexican ones and the only ones that tended to include the lesser known ones (such as the one in Samoa?) would also often have links to supposed pyramids on Mars and links to mystic crystals for sale.
So, we decided to try and build an online one, but from the start it was always planned to be collaborative, so people living near to the sites could (hopefully) add photos and information and build up a shared database that could approach being "complete".
This was in 1998, or so, and the tools to do this were in their infancy, leading us to try and build a database driven online community system from scratch (see the only published attempt here). Needless to say, life and other things (such as diving) got in the way and here we are, 10 years later, with no great progress.
However, now we have "the wiki", an application designed to allow many people to contribute to a web site, made most famous by Wikipediaso please read the notes?and join in! It'll be fun!
Some notes about where we are heading
How to navigate the mids
- by date
- by culture
- by location
- by technology /construction
- etc?
Should these be separate pages? Or some sort of fiendish search thing?
Contributors to this page: folly
System Administrator
Page last modified on Tuesday 13 of October, 2009 22:25:22 UTC by folly.